
My RubyKaigi 2024 set list

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Enjoy my RubyKaigi 2024 set list

02:00 - 03:00

tomoya ishida
Lang: ja
Track: Large Hall

Writing Weird Code

Ruby is a great language to write readable code, and also to write unreadable weird code. In this talk, I will demonstrate how fun it is, and talk about the large effect of writing lots of weird code.


Quieすごかった 他の発表の導入になるユースケースとしてのquie扱うのが何より響いて記憶に残った。 カンファレンスの最初にあるキーノート、全部こんな感じならいいなと思う ああいう発表をできるようになりたい

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04:30 - 05:00

Samuel Giddins
Lang: en
Track: Large Studio

Remembering (ok, not really Sarah) Marshal

Though the Marshal serialization format has fallen out of favor over the past decade, due to a lack cross-language interoperability and security vulnerabilities, I think there’s a lot to learn from it. Having recently reimplemented Marshal.load to sidestep the security concerns, I want to reintroduce the Ruby community to the gem (see what I did there?) that is binary serialization. Let’s walk through how Marshal works under the hood, and see what ideas from it we can salvage for a modern take on data serialization.


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05:10 - 05:40

Lang: ja
Track: Small Hall

Long journey of Ruby standard library

Ruby has a lot of standard libraries from Ruby 1.8. I promote them democratically with GitHub today via default and bundled gems. So, I'm working to extract them for Ruby 3.4 continuously and future versions. It's long journey for me. After that, some versions may suddenly happen `LoadError` at `require` when running `bundle exec` or `bin/rails`, for example `matrix` or `net-smtp`. We need to learn what's difference default/bundled gems with standard libraries. In this presentation, I will introduce what's the difficult to extract bundled gems from default gems and the details of the functionality that Ruby's `require` and `bundle exec` with default/bundled gems. You can learn how handle your issue about standard libraries.


gemのこととか標準ライブラリのこと何もわからないので楽しみ 今回のruby.wasmの発表との関連も気になる

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05:50 - 06:20

Satoshi Tagomori
Lang: ja
Track: Large Hall

Namespace, What and Why

Namespace is a feature in development to separate Ruby code, native extensions, and gems into separate spaces. The expected benefits of this feature are: * Making codes and libraries name-collision-free * Having isolated Module/Class instances * Loading different versions of libraries on a Ruby process This talk will introduce what the namespace is (will be), why I want this feature in Ruby, and how it will help your applications.


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07:00 - 07:30

Mari Imaizumi
Lang: ja
Track: Small Hall

Exploring Reline: Enhancing Command Line Usability

Reline is a pure Ruby implementation of GNU Readline; GNU Readline allows you to write configuration in `.inputrc`, and Reline reads this configuration file and sets key bindings. However, there are many things that GNU Readline can do that Reline cannot. This session will introduce those features and talk about their implementation in Reline.


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07:40 - 08:10

Koichi Sasada
Lang: en
Track: Large Hall

Ractor Enhancements, 2024

This talk presents recent updates to Ractor, which enables parallel and concurrent programming on Ruby. Ractor still lacks fundamental features. For example, we cannot use “require” method and “timeout” methods on non-main Ractors because of synchronization and implementation issues. We will discuss such problems and how to solve them. From a performance point of view, we have introduced the M:N thread scheduler in Ruby 3.3 and we will show the performance analysis with recent improvements.


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