The details

Start...End time (UTC)
2022-09-08 04:30 - 05:00
Description about the talk
We will introduce *MaNy* project: supports massive number of threads on Ruby. Concurrent mchanism (threads, processes, etc.) is an important language feature especially for multiple network connections. Ruby supports Ractor/Thread/Fiber for concurrency. However making many Threads (and Ractors) introduce huge overhead. Fiber scheduler was introduced for this purpose but it has some limitations. On the other languages, for example, Go language supports goroutine. They can make many goroutines and they can run concurrently or in parallel. Other languages (Erlang, Rust, ...) also support similar features. They use a well-known technique called M:N threading. In short, M:N threading supports many M threads on N (enough small number) system threads. *MaNy* project introduces M:N threading into Ruby. In this talk, we will show the background and progress of *MaNy* project. Because we are replacing the threading mechanism of current Ruby, we can share some details about it.